Monday 17 April 2017

11. Spirit-Force Distinguished from the so-called Forces of Nature


Pandit Brahm Sankar Misra, M.A.


            17. It is hardly necessary to observe that the spirit-force is not the result of a combination of the forces of nature. From a theoretical point of view such a conclusion appears to be inconsistent with the existing condition of the forces of nature, as there is not a single force in this universe which manifests itself in its various recognized forms without a substratum of the same force in the creation, and the same remarks should apply to the proposition we have enunciated above. A candle is ignited and bursts forth into a flame. If one were to look at combustion alone which produces the flame, the inference would be that combustion, independent of everything, is the cause of that flame. But such is not the case. It is the specific heat of the constituents of combustion that is manifesting itself in an accentuated form. This specific heat is the substratum without which no manifestation of heat is possible, and the same remarks apply to all forces of nature. Applying the analogy to the spirit-force, the inference is that there is a substratum and reservoir or source of the spirit-force in the creation. Argumentation by analogy is not, however, always conclusive, and concrete facts should therefore be always sought in a scientific research.

            18. We have already emphasized in Article 10 the necessity for a scientific recognition or repudiation of the many extraordinary facts reported about spirits by investigators into the phenomena of spiritualism, one of which is that there are embodied spirits. If this fact be recognized by science, it will constitute a proof of the most positive character that spirit-force is not dependent upon the physical environment for its existence. Furthermore, if it be recognized that disembodied spirits can have access to places where access would not be possible by ordinary actions in the three dimensions, the fact of disembodied spirits being endowed with subtle functions, which are more or less akin to those of ether, is also established. Instances are not wanting, which show that disembodied spirits enjoy an immunity from heat and cold which is not to be found in the physical frame. This would corroborate the statement that the spirits possess ethereal or astral bodies, for heat has very little effect, if any, on the ethereal frame, as the temperature of ether is said to be not subject to any appreciable variations by the passage of heat rays. In these circumstances, the existing germ theory, which assumes it is an axiom that beyond a certain degree, of heat-temperature the existence of germs is impossible, will require modification. We shall have to limit the theory to physical germs, but it cannot universally be extended to ethereal and other subtler germs of life. A further inference may not be improperly drawn that that the coarser forms of physical life found on this earth have been derived from the subtler planes, which are not within the scope of the physical senses, and which are as full of vital activity and manifestations as is our own planet. This view, if accepted, upsets the present germ theory, and physical germs should no longer be held to be the initial seeds giving rise to higher conditions of life. On the contrary, they would have to be treated as extremely feeble and diffused emanations from higher sources and planes of spirituality. Such a theory would also correspond with the facts found about the other forces of nature in this world, as heat, light, etc. are emanations from higher sources.

            19. It is a matter of further observation, drawn from many authenticated cases, that the spiritual functions, including the intellectual faculties, are immensely enhanced during conditions of trance when the physical faculties are not functioning. In such conditions, coming events and occurrences taking place at great distances are correctly stated. The inference, which we may naturally draw from the above observation, is that a further liberation of the spirit from the subtler frames may result in the manifestation of still higher functions and eventually in the manifestation of the essence of the spirit itself. In such a condition, the spirit-entity would become a focus and source of pure intelligence, energy and bliss.

            20. If we look at the various forces of nature, leaving out for the present the spirit-force, we find that they are dependent for their existence upon the media through which they manifest themselves. On the elimination of the medium, peculiar to each, the energy of course remains, but the previous form in which it was present disappears. Take for instance the case of chemical action. It is due, as is well known, to the exchange of molecules, atoms or ions. If there be a region beyond the atomic and the ionic spheres of creation, chemical action in the forum in which it is found here will not be possible. Again, take the case of electricity. If electric force acts through a medium, this implies that there is a plane from which the force acts, and that there is another plane upon which it acts. These two planes cannot be treated as one and the same, I as much as the electric force would the always be acting in the plane it resides in, and there should not be a latent condition of it. If the proposition we have enunciated above be correct, the two planes in question would be distinct from each other and would be similar to two different planes of the dimensions we are familiar with. Like any two of the ordinary dimensions, they would, for example, be separate and yet allied with each other. The lower plane would be in a state either of kinetic action, or of quiescence, in accordance with the presence in it, or absence from it, of the force from the higher plane. If this lower plane, be, in the case of electricity, that subtle substance known as ether, the inference is irresistible that it does not pervade all space, but that it is confined to a sphere of its own. It appears to be necessary to observe here that we should not fix the limits of the space of creation within the three dimensions we are familiar with. There are other dimensions besides these three, and we should, we think, modify our conception of the universe as it presents itself to us accordingly. Spheres of far greater expanse and subtlety than those within our observation, which permeate and envelop everything presented to our vision, exist unperceived and unknown. There are numerous cases which show that action has taken place through them, as it was not through the three known dimensions. We shall speak more about this in the Part dealing with the evolution of Creation (Rachana).

            21. If we analyze the other forces of nature, it will not be difficult to show that their existing forms vary with the change of media. As a further illustration, we will take up the case of hear. It is more or less a recognized fact that the passage of heat through the ethereal medium hardly affects the temperature of the latter. The inference from this fact may not be unfairly drawn, that the constituents of the heat-condition are different from those of ether, and that they have very little, if any, affinity with each other, so far as the heat-condition is concerned. This clearly proves that heat is not an ethereal phenomenon, and that the ethereal ion does not take part in it. But other forms of matter known to us are affected by heat. Our theory is that heat represents the disintegrated particles of matter midway between ions and ordinary elemental matter. Whatever disintegrated atoms produces the phenomenon known as heat, although the disintegrating cause may not be heat itself. Energy in all its aspects can produce such disintegration and its passage through atomic regions is therefore accompanied by a manifestation of heat. Electricity, which is highly charged with energy, is void of heat, but it produces heat when it manifests itself on the atomic plane. Now, eliminate the disintegrated condition of matter which we have spoken of, and the phenomenon of heat is gone. The line of argumentation indicated above establishes, we venture to think, the proposition that the various forces of nature are entirely dependent for their existing forms on the media they act through.


  1. In scientific world one serious objection may be raised against this view. Are we different from nature? Are we not integral part of nature? Whether spirit force is not part of the whole process of nature? In one of the previous article in Discourses on Radhasoami Faith it is mentioned that in Pind Desh sensory current is spirit current. So how can we say that spirit force is different from other forces of nature? If spirit force is different from four fundamental forces of nature then how can quantum theory be applied on spirit force?

  2. The description of spirit force and other forces of nature is explained very minutely here and I feel that it is not difficult to understand with the analysis given above.
