Wednesday, 26 July 2017

111. The Constitution of Man, A perfect microcosm fit for spiritual progress


Pandit Brahm Sankar Misra, M.A.


            168. The six ganglia, from the lowest at the rectum to that situated in the middle of the line joining the two pupils, are all kinetic in a human entity. The six planes of the third grand division are all, therefore, represented in a kinetic form in humanity. In accordance with the general law, which applies to all entities, the three upper ganglia of a human entity must necessarily be at work, as the location of man is on the lowest of the three upper spheres referred to, viz, on the earth. The momentum which the downward current from Brahmanda and that from the moon and sun orbs have acquired at the earth is very considerable. Its influence has, therefore, caused a development of the three lower ganglia (which correspond to the three lowest spheres of the third grand division) in a manner contrary to the general law that holds good in the case of Brahmanda and the purely spiritual regions. At the earth-level, therefore, both brute and human entities are endowed with the three lower ganglia in a highly developed form. In man, who is spiritually by far superior to all other animate entities on this earth, the three higher ganglia have not been denuded, to such an extent, of spirituality and energy, as a result of supplying energy to the three lowest nervous centres, as to render the former centres inoperative to any appreciable degree. The case of other entities is, however, different. Their spirituality being small, the downward drain has considerably affected the higher centres, and the subjective functions, specially the power of abstraction, have become considerably impaired. In many a case, their heart-centre is the seat of their spirit and they can go on living even when their brain is removed. The downward rush of the current we have been speaking of is very powerful. Nobody can turn it in the opposite direction, unless the passions, which are all influenced by the current in question, are more or less subdued, and a constant watch kept over our actions to prevent an unnecessary and improper indulgence in them.

            169. From what we have stated above, it is clear that man is the entity in whom the six divisions of Brahmanda are reflected in a kinetic form. The apparatus for the reproduction of the divisions of Brahmanda in man is to be found in the brain (vide Article 23 and 24), and by means of the apertures provided therein which, in consequence of the reflex action taking place through them, contain in a potential state the powers found in Brahmanda, the spirit of man, under proper training, get access into Brahmanda. As Brahmanda itself is a reflex image of the purely spiritual region, the currents which establish the reflex conditions of Brahmanda in the human microcosm, are associated with the reflex functions of the purely spiritual region. These functions are also, therefore, represented in the human brain, and apertures are provided therein for communication with and access into the purely spiritual region. Man, from his position in the universe and from the amount of spirituality he possesses, is thus endowed with a cosmos of his own, which is so constructed as to represent all the spheres of the entire creation from the highest spiritual source down to the creationless nether pole, and which possesses such apertures and potentialities as would enable the human entity to reach the highest mansion. In man, therefore, the true microcosm exists, and it is in consequence of this unique possession that he is considered to be superior to angels and to the denizens of Brahmana. This is also the main reason for the incarnation of the true Supreme Being Radhasoami, of his beloved sons the Saints, of Brahma and of his prophets, etc. having taken place in human form. The denizens of Brahmanda too, when they become desirous of ascending into the spiritual regions, have therefore to assume human form which is possible on the earth-plane alone, as in this perfect microcosm alone the spiritual training, prescribed by Saints can be performed. The spirits of Saints often visit the various spheres of Brahmanda with the object of revealing to the denizens thereof the existence and the bliss of the purely spiritual regions. As the denizens of Brahmanda are highly spiritual and pure, they find no difficulty in comprehending the revelations made to them, and they soon become imbued with a strong desire for reaching the purely spiritual regions. When this desire has sufficiently developed, then their advent into human form takes place. The bliss of Brahmanda is so great and enrapturing that it is the revelation about higher spiritual regions and their bliss alone which generates a desire of the kind we have spoken of.

1 comment:

  1. We find reference of only twelve Kanwals (Chakras or nerve centres) in Sar Bachan Poetry. Kindly refer to Katik Month in Barahmasa.
